Get Involved!


I’ve had the privilege to learn about and support some incredible causes in the conservation community.

Below are organizations I’m passionate about and information on ways you can contribute if you feel called to do so.

Be a part of something bigger than yourself – be curious – be compassionate – be a conservationist!

TTouch Technique

TTouch has been extremely effective on my dog, Ruthie, who was terrified of thunder and fireworks. I spent many 4th of Julys at home hugging her and playing loud music as a distraction. After applying this technique just a few times, she has become noticeably calmer with the noise.  TTouch is a gentle technique that helps us connect with and assist in healing our animal companions. This practice also serves as an empowering self-help tool for humans. TTouch grounds the animal, connecting them with their body through movement and touch. Founded by the incredible, Linda Tellington, this certification process combines training and instinct. My curiosity and love of exploration were nourished from this light-filled soul for six days with my dog, Ruthie.

Global White Lion Protection Trust

Founded in 2002 by Linda Tucker, The White Lion Trust is a registered Public Benefit Organization situated in a protected area of nearly 4,400 acres of endemic bush veld. The land was acquired by the White Lion Trust, which has reintroduced captive bred white lions into their natural habitat in a carefully phased, groundbreaking scientific program. Under the expert guidance of the Head of Operations, Lion Ecologist, Jason Turner, the WLT continues to bring the world important scientific data. Jason is instrumental in assisting the legal protection of the Panthera Leo, the critically endangered subspecies we refer to as The White Lion. Learn more here!

Orangutan Appeal – Adopt an Orangutan!

This organization is dedicated to providing a sustainable future for the orangutan through rehabilitation and conservation of their rainforest habitat. They’re also raising awareness of the plight of this great ape across the world. I’m the proud adoptive mother of a 4-year-old orangutan living presently in the rehab center in Borneo. This is such a wonderful way to support orangutans and become involved. Learn more here!

The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center

The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center (BSBCC) is a sun bear rescue and rehabilitation facility being developed in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The founder, Dr. (Hon) Wong Siew Te, is one of the few Malaysian wildlife biologists trained in Taiwan and the United States. He has been studying and working on the ecological conservation of the sun bear since 1998 and he founded this center in 2008. His pioneer studies of sun bears in the Bornean rainforest have taken him into the most threatened wildlife habitat on Earth, where fieldwork is exceedingly difficult. Learn more here!   

Cheetah Conservation Fund

Founded in Namibia by Dr. Laurie Marker in 1990, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is the global leader in research and conservation of cheetahs. CCF’s programs have effectively stabilized and even increased the wild cheetah population in Namibia. Dr. Marker has worked with cheetahs since 1974 and moved to Namibia after setting up CCF to develop a permanent Conservation Research Centre for the wild cheetah. Learn more here!

N/a’an ku sê Foundation

Founded in 2006 by Dr. Rudie and Marlice Van Vuuren, N/a’an ku sê is a conservation organization that sustains its projects through non-governmental funding and responsible conservation tourism. They run several crucial projects to improve the health and well-being of the ancient, yet marginalized, San Bushmen of Namibia. They also provide a second chance to countless orphaned and injured animals, work to prevent land degradation, and stand at the forefront of the human-wildlife conflict mitigation. Learn more here!

The Jane Goodall Institute

Dr. Jane Goodall has been a huge inspiration in my life. She went into the forest to study the remarkable lives of chimpanzees—and she came out of the forest to save them. When she discovered that the survival of their species was threatened by habitat destruction and illegal trafficking, she developed a breakthrough approach to species conservation that improves the lives of people, animals, and the environment by honoring their connectedness to each other. In 1977, she founded the Jane Goodall Institute to ensure that her vision and life’s work continue to mobilize the collective power of individual action to save the natural world we all share. My heart is full of respect for her lifetime of work and this institute. Become inspired here!