Welcome! I’m so grateful you’re here. I’d love to help you understand what I do with animals, why it’s so critical, and provide you with more information.
What is Animal Conservation?
Animal conservation is the act of preserving the overall well-being of wildlife – but it doesn’t stop there. To keep wildlife safe, we must protect their habitats, which are under threat in many locations. By preserving these ecological habitats we subsequently protect all living beings as all of life is interconnected – unfortunately, these baboons’ habitats were not protected; therefore, they can never go back to the wild.
What do you do exactly?
A passion and childlike curiosity for animals has led me to study animal communication on a variety of levels; energy healing, TTouch technique, yoga and meditation – my soul purpose has always been to gain the most compassionate and healing connection to animals as possible.
I’ve traveled across the globe and experienced the environments of a variety of domestic and wild animals. During these times I learned about each area’s culture while gaining more insight into how best to conserve wildlife habitats. My mission is to be an ambassador for animals, to raise awareness of their plight, and to promote conservation.
How did you get into this work?
From the time I was in high school I’ve had a desire to help the disadvantaged. My degrees are a B.S. in Recreational Therapy and M.A. in Counseling. I have had the privilege of working with the hearing impaired for more than 15 years as a counselor and interpreter. After discovering the healing powers of yoga, I coached people on how to find balance in their lives through the mind-body connection.
A big passion of mine is travel and nature photography. Experiencing other parts of the world exposed me to the threats that wildlife and nature face every single day, and how poaching of certain wildlife species contributes to their decline. This heightened awareness ignited my mission to connect with animals and protect their well-being. I’m now blending my curiosity and compassion for all creatures with the mind-body healing techniques I’ve spent a lifetime studying.
What are you working on now?
This is truly an exciting time for child animal-lovers and here’s why: I’ve teamed up with my dear friend, Emmy-winner Rosie Emery, to create, Curious Kids Global, a YouTube channel aimed at teaching children about conservation and how we are all interconnected – from the largest mammal to the smallest insect.
Our goal is to feature adults and children who work with animals and conservation in their region. We’ll also invite kids from all over the world to nourish their curiosity of animals by submitting their own videos. These animals need ambassadors and we can teach children to be that. I’m not afraid to say it: We’re out to protect the planet!